Thursday, April 28, 2022

Improving the mainstream construction with the right Hydraulic Auger

After a turbulent duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2022 will be a year of revival and growth in the construction industry. The rising construction costs and labour shortages are challenging the industry to innovate competitive new ideas and make the construction process swifter. 

Further, the pandemic has changed the business style of the construction industry - from scheduling and finishing projects to hiring workers and meeting with clients. New technology persists to change the construction site, improve the ability to complete the projects, and increase profit margins. Fortunately, innovations of various robust pile driving equipment are changing the roles of industry professionals and frontline workers. 

At Hydraulic Power Systems Inc., the future of construction is always on our minds. Take a look with us at the latest trend that promises to push the boundaries of construction and take the mind-boggling mainstream. 

Hydraulic Augers - The Must-Have Construction Equipment

To commence any construction project, digging a hole in the ground is the first and foremost step. Previously, labourers used to dig the holes manually which lead to issues like:

  • Chances of injury

  • Not able to dig in every soil

  • More investment in manpower

  • Not so efficient digging

  • Difficulty in the underwater digging process

To help the workers dig holes efficiently, drill machines were used. However, it cannot be used in every form of ground and has a high level of percussion. Nevertheless, with advancements in the construction industry, companies have found an alternative to manual digging and drillers - A Hydraulic Auger!

A hydraulic auger is drilling equipment that uses fluid pressure to operate. It is used widely for construction and digging applications such as excavations, shaft sinking, and road work. This drill bit-looking piece of equipment specialises in quickly and efficiently digging holes, as opposed to boring holes with a pile driver.

Benefits of using Hydraulic Augers

Using hydraulic augers for any construction project is always beneficial as:

  • Using a hydraulic auger is easy 

  • It digs holes quickly and thus, saves time. This equipment can dig holes in minutes that can take workers hours of hard work

  • It helps workers as they don’t have to manually dig the holes. 

  • Hydraulic augers can be used for a variety of projects from mining to underwater operations

  • These augers usually have larger diameter shafts than other drills which means the same tool can be used to drill deeper holes

  • It has a quicker penetration into any soil/ground material such as soft or hard soil, concrete or asphalt

While there are many various models of hydraulic augers, their core functionalities are similar. The digging capacities make them a staple on just about any construction site. Further, their high cost makes renting the most cost-effective option for many construction companies.

Hydraulic Power Systems Inc. - Providing Robust Hydraulic Augers for Your Worksite

At Hydraulic Power Systems, Inc., we strive to provide powerful pile driving equipment to all our clients. We make sure that you have the right equipment for your job. When you choose us for hydraulic augers rentals, you get the following advantage:

  • Save money on warehousing and maintenance by renting
  • Get customised equipment that meets your projects need
  • Competitive prices so you can stay competitive as well
After a tepid period, an upswing in the construction industry is expected throughout 2022 as the U.S. economy recovers from the pandemic and grows. As your company strives for more profits and efficiency, keep up with the demand for the latest pile driving equipment for sale with the reliable rental equipment network of Hydraulic Power Systems, Inc.
On the whole, we’re ready to provide you with everything you need for your construction project. Call the experts of Hydraulic Power Systems, Inc. today at 816.221.4774 or visit the website -

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